+1-(781)899-8999 x101

Data Protection

• Your information is very important to you which means it is very important to us.

• We will not cut corners on securing your data and keeping it safe. Our multi-level security puts you at ease.

• Each time you login you will need to enter the Security Code from your phone and that is after you have your username and password correct.

• You will also be notified when an account you share with others is viewed

Why HandlAH?

Do you ever wish you could just have one place to store all your personal, social, and business account information? Do you always forget a URL, Username, Password, Your Bank Information, Your Insurance Agent and all the other items you are responsible for remembering? What about remembering all your social media sites you are connected to. Are you frustrated giving out your personal information when someone wants to connect with you? Would you love to have a place where you can store all your contacts and accounts, so no information falls through the cracks? Imagine having all your life details in an organized file cabinet and being able to share certain items with a person in the file cabinet? This would be a dream world, right?

HandlAH solves all your needs by giving users an interactive dashboard that's lets you decide what level connection you would like to have with a person. Win!

It provides a stable way to keep all your account information safe and secure - and out of your head! Win!

A simple click on the person by you will only allow them to connect with you. Win!

You decide if you would like to share information with a person, You decide what social media connections you want with that person. Win!

Best of all, in a world where people are suspicious by nature, Handl-AH Handle is the only app that ensures you have complete control over who sees what about you. Win!

All you need to do is REMEMBER your Handle name in Handl-AH Handle to give out to anyone that you would like to connect with!!!!! Winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HandlAH is your new best friend that keeps you and your information safe. We use state of the art technology to keep your files encrypted and keep your sensitive data secured. You have complete control over what you share, and with whom from a single dashboard.


one login. one dashboard.
one big sigh of relief.